Tuesday, September 29, 2015

2015 October in Eigo I

Oct. 4 - Unit 6 Review
1) check HW for the last two weeks' classes
2) do Unit 6 Review Test
4) do Simple Present Tense grammar exercise, check (student-led, correct and collect))
5) do Vocabulary - quick and dirty, pp. 52-53
6) do Conversation practice, p. 54
7) do Simple Present Interview activity
8) do Interaction activities, p. 58
9) do Unit 6 Task: Find someone who...
10) do listening practice with Real Stories, p. 59
11) discuss and assign HW - announce Oct. 12 class rescheduled to Jan. 12

1) prepare for Units 1-6 Review Test
2) do elllo Listening Report
3) do Azar exercise

Oct. 12 - Schedule change
*Oct. 12 class rescheduled to Jan. 21
1) check Oct. 4 HW (student-led, correct & collect)

1) do elllo Listening Report
2) do Azar exercise

Oct. 19 - Kyoritsu Festival
No class scheduled

Oct. 27 - Units 1-6 Review
1) review elllo Listening Reports
2) do Unit 6 Test
3) do Shopping Interviews activity
4) do Seed Story - Chris Goes Shopping for Clothes
5) check Oct. 10 HW (student-led, correct & collect)

1) do elllo Listening Report
2) TBD

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

2015 September in Eigo I

Sep. 21 - Unit 6: That's a Great Shirt
1) do gerund exercise
2) warm-up speaking activity: Let's talk about summer
3) discuss summer HW and assign HW for next week

1) do elllo Listening Report email HW
2) do Grammar Check and Vocabulary Check, p. 57

Sep. 28 - Unit 6: That's a Great Shirt
1) check Sep. 21 HW (student-led, correct and collect)
2) do Vocabulary Size Test
3) do speaking activity: Let's go shopping online
4) discuss and assign HW, announce Unit 6 Test in next class

1) do elllo Listening Report email HW
2) do Grammar Check and Vocabulary Check, p. 57
3) study for Unit 6 Test