Friday, January 31, 2014

2013 September & October in Eigo I

Sep. 23 - Unit 5 Getting Around
1) conversation lines with rotating partners - Topic: What did you do during the Summer Vacation
2) pair talk with warm-up questions from text and instructor
  • Where do you like to go shopping?
  • When you go shopping downtown, how do you travel?
3) Unit 5 Dictation Questions 1-5
4) listen to Conversation, p. 30
  • 1st time: listen and read in text
  • 2nd time: listen and fill in blanks in cloze
  • review questions, write answers to questions
  • compare and discuss answers with classmates
  • 3rd time: listen and confirm information in answers
  • revise answers based on confirmation
1) check conversation dictation
2) write answers to Unit 5 Dictation Questions 1-5

Sep. 30 - Unit 5 Getting Around
1) hand out copies of 後期 seating chart
2) Unit 5 Dictation Questions & Answers 6-10
  • questions 6-8 given
  • students write answers
  • answers for 9-10 given
  • students write questions
3) do Vocabulary exercises, p. 31
4) conversation lines with rotating partners - Topic: How do you go from your house to the nearest train or bus station?

1) write five questions that are useful when shopping (see worksheet)

Oct. 7 - Unit 6 Shopping
1) collect HW - Questions used in shopping
2) Unit 6 Vocabulary Jigsaw exercise
3) Unit 6 Dictation Questions & Answers
  • questions 1-5 given
  • students write answers
  • students do fill-in-the-blanks of conversation
  • questions 6-10 given
  • students write answers
4) conversation lines with rotating partners - Topic: What is your favorite shop? Why is it your favorite?

1) do the shopping survey, p. 39 in the text
2) read pp. 42-43 of the text

Oct. 14 - Units 4-6 Review & Quiz
1) do Quiz for Units 4-6 - Review 2
Listening check
Language check
Speaking b. (as conversation line - change topics, three partners, rating sheet used)
Speaking a. (as game, four +/- people play together)

1) read through Unit 7 What's Happening

Oct. 28 - Unit 7 What's Happening
1) check HW - reading 7 Speaking, p. 47
2) Unit 7 Vocabulary Jigsaw exercise?
3) Unit 7 Dictation Questions & Answers
  • questions 1-5 given
  • do successive listenings of dialog
  • students write answers
  • students do fill-in-the-blanks of conversation
1) students write questions for 6-10

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