Monday, December 1, 2014

2014 December in Eigo I

Dec. 1- Seasons in Japan
1) check students use of Supli Conversation Service
2) do Unit 1 Quick Answer Quiz
3) do Critical Thinking and/or Writing as task based group activity
4) do Video Discussion Activities
1) do Unit 7 Vocabulary Support, p. 29
2) Read Unit 7 The Secret of Happiness, p. 30
3) do Active Outline and Comprehension Questions, p. 31

Dec. 8 - The Secret of Happiness
1) check Vocabulary, p. 29
2) do Active Outline and Comprehension Questions in teams at white board
  • listen to section of reading on CD
  • decide answer in groups
  • A, B or C person from the group goes to white board and writes answer in space provided for each group
  • graded by class at conclusion of listen and answering questions
3) do What Makes Me Happy - Speaking Notes
4) assign HW for Dec. 15 (see below)

1) Read Unit 8 Shopping on the Internet, p. 34
2) do Unit 8 Vocabulary Support, p. 33
3) do Active Outline and Comprehension Questions, p. 35

Dec. 15 - Internet Shopping
1) complete What Makes Me Happy - Speaking Notes
2) check HW from Dec. 8 (student led)
3) do Unit 8 Quick Answer Quiz in teams
4) do Active Outline and Comprehension Questions (as a quiz, copy from text)
4) do Unit 8 Critical Thinking and/or Writing in teams, put answers on white board
5) do Let's go shopping online!: Interview Worksheet
6) discuss and assign HW - hand out Speaking Notes, have each student choose a country
1) go to the website WhyChristmas?Com
  • choose a country and read about its Christmas Traditions
  • complete the Christmas Around the World Speaking Notes
  • practice giving a short presentation using your Speaking Notes 
2) TBD

Dec. 22 - Christmas: An International Tradition
1) give a presentation from your Christmas Around the World Speaking Notes
2) do video discussion activity: What is Christmas like in Japan?
3) draw an English language manga on a Christmas theme
  • use one page of The Fir Tree with dialog removed
*Optional do video discussions
1) read Unit 15 Ghosts
2) do text exercises, pp. 61-64
  • Vocabulary, Active Outline, Comprehension Questions, Critical Thinking, Writing

Sunday, November 2, 2014

2014 November in Eigo I

Nov. 3 - Topic: What colors tell about you..
1) check and share HW - Unit 12 Video Discussion Worksheet
2) do Unit 13 text activities
  • Vocabulary Support
  • Reading - read and listen - do by section, checking Active Outline
  • Comprehension Qs - student-led check
4) do group discussion: What color is your classmate?
5) hand out copies of Unit 6 Travel in Japan

1) do Unit 6 Vocabulary Support
2) read Unit 6 Reading - Travel in Japan
3) do Unit 6 Speaking Notes

Nov. 10 - Topic: Travel in Japan
1) introduce your favorite location in Japan - use Unit 6 Speaking Notes
2) do Unit 6 text activities
  • Vocabulary Support
  • Reading - read and listen - do by section, checking Active Outline
  • Comprehension Qs - student-led check
1) do Vocabulary Support for Life Topics, Unit 16, p. 65
2) do Reading for Life Topics, Unit 16, p. 66

Nov. 17 - Topic: Fast Food
1) do Unit 16 related discussion with Fast Food Discussion Worksheet
2) do Unit 16 text activities
  • Vocabulary Support
  • Reading - read and listen - do by section, checking Active Outline
  • Comprehension Qs - student-led check
3) do Unit 16 related discussion with Fast Food Speaking Notes
4) do more Unit 16 text activities
  • Critical Thinking
  • Writing
1) do Vocabulary Support for Life Topics, Unit 1, p. 5
2) do Reading for Life Topics, Unit 1, p. 6

Nov. 24 - Topic: Seasons in Japan
1) check students use of Supli Conversation Service
2) check Unit 1 HW (student-led, use CD)
  • Vocabulary Support
  • Active Outline and Comp. Qs
3) do Unit 1 Quick Answer Quiz
4) do Critical Thinking and/or Writing as task based group activity
5) do pair interview/partner introduction speaking activity
6) do Video Discussion Activity
*Extra videos - optional viewing
1) Read Unit 8 Shopping on the Internet, p. 34
2) do Unit 8 Vocabulary Support, p. 33
3) do Active Outline and Comprehension Questions, p. 35

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

2014 July in Eigo I

July 7 - Units 1-3 Review and Quiz
1) do listening comprehension activities for Units 1-3 Review
2) do grammar comprehension activities for Units 1-3 Review
3) do conversation practice activities for Units 2 and 3 from Units 1-3 Review

1) prepare for 2 minute topic discussions for the July 14 class
2) TBD

July 14 Units 1-3 Review and Quiz, Unit 4 Places
1) do Grammar reference sections for Units 1-3, pp. 102-104
  • make teams of three or four (persons A, B, C and maybe D)
  • go in order, only the person whose turn it is can speak for the group
  • other group members can only point or write notes
2) do 2 minute topic discussions in go-kon lines
  • review discuss proper use of peer feedback form
  • do demonstration with one pair
  • use stopwatch and bell to monitor time
3) introduce and begin working with Unit 4

1) read 2 Conversation, p. 24
2) do 3 Vocabulary, part a, p. 25
3) do 7 Speaking, parts a & b, p. 27
read page 105, do exercises a, b and c

July 21 Unit 4 Places
1) check and expand on 3 Vocabulary, p. 25
2) do 4 Exchange, p. 25 in go-kon lines
3) follow up on 7 Speaking, p. 27
4) do video listening activity with Video Worksheet

1) none assigned

July 28 Unit 5 Getting Around
1) do 1 Conversation with Unit 4 Dialog Quiz
2) do Communication Activities, Ss A & B, pp. 86 & 95 (copies for Ss without text)
3) do 6 Listening, p. 27
4) read page 105, do exercises a through e (student-led checks)
5) do Quicktest Unit 4

1) end of term - none assigned

Monday, June 30, 2014

2014 June in Eigo I

June 2 - Unit 3 Free Time
1) discuss, revise and collect HW from May 26
2) do Dialog Q & A Contest
  • make groups of 3 (A, B and C)
  • listen to the Unit 3 dialog, make and discuss notes ('What do you remember?')
  • instructor asks questions, only designated person (A, B or C) can answer
  • points for correct answers on board
3) prepare for group discussions with Classmate's Free Time Activity worksheet
1) prepare for June 9 discussions

June 9 Unit 3 Free Time
1) do pair and group discussions with Classmate's Free Time Activity worksheet
2) do Get Expressions Part 2
3) do text activities
  • 5 Language in Action, p. 18
3) assign Grammar Support Activity as HW

1) Unit 3 Grammar Activity, parts a and b
2) study

June 16 Unit 3 Free Time & Supplemental Activities
1) do HW review
  • hand back checked HW
  • self-check and collect Get Expressions 2
  • self-check and collect Unit 3 Grammar Activity, exercises a & b
  • do Team Lines for Unit 3 Grammar Activity, exercises c, d & e
2) hand out Verb-Based Idioms Quiz - Get 2
  • work in groups
  • read out and pronounce each sentence before answering questions
  • stand up, walk around changing partners for Part I
  • do speed dating lines for Part II
3) do text activities
  • 3 Vocabulary, p. 17
  • 4 Exchange, p. 17
4) do Conversation activity for Unit 3 from text
5) announce and prepare for Units 1-3 Review for June 23

1) prepare for Units 1-3 Review
2) TBD

June 23 Unit 3 Free Time & Supplemental Activities
1) do text activities
  • 3 Vocabulary, p. 17
  • 4 Exchange, p. 17
  • others?
2) do Conversation activity for Unit 3 from text
3) announce and prepare for Units 1-3 Review for June 23

1) complete back side of Verb-Based Idioms Quiz - Get 2
2) choose three topics to talk about from page 22 (preparation for Units 1-3 Review & Quiz)

June 30 - Practice for Units 1-3 Review & Quiz
1) finish Verb-Based Idioms Quiz - Get 2
  • do speed dating lines for Part II
2) practice for 2 minute talking activity from Units 1-3 Review/Quiz
3) review vocabulary and grammar for Units 1-3
  • do A-B conversations from Units 1 and 2
  • do grammar exercises from Units 1 and 2
1) practice talking about chosen topics for Units 1-3 Review and Quiz
2) review Units 1, 2 and 3 for grammar and vocabulary

Monday, May 26, 2014

2014 May in Eigo I

May 12 - Unit 2 What a Life!
1) quiz for Give Expressions 2
2) listen to Conversation, p. 10 (with comprehension Qs - student-led)
3) do Vocabulary, p. 11 (a & b)
4) do discussion activity: My Classmate's Daily Routine

1) none assigned

May 19 - Unit 2 What a Life!
1) continue discussion activity: My Classmate's Daily Routine
2) pass out and assign Get Expressions 1

1) delayed until May 26

May 26 Unit 2 What a Life!
1) collect Get Expressions 1 HW
2) do quiz for Get Expressions 1
3) hand out Get Expression 2 HW, assign
4) do Unit 2 Grammar reference as teams at whiteboard
  • a, c and e - in two lines at board
  • b and d - in groups, rep goes to board and writes questions and answers
5) do text exercises as listening and speaking practice in omiai lines
  • Exchange, p. 11
  • Language in action, p. 12
  • Listening, p. 13
  • Reading, p. 15 
6) do Communication activities (A-B, p. 84, p. 93)

1) do exercises for Get Expressions 1
2) do Unit 3 Grammar reference, a and b

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

2014 April in Eigo I

April 14 - Unit 1 Introductions
1) do class introduction
2) explain seating chart, attendance policies
3) work through text exercises, pp. 4-5
4) assign HW for April 21

1) read p. 102, do grammar exercises a & b on notebook paper

April 21 - Unit 1 Introductions
1) hand out new Seating Chart, get everyone into the right place
2) review and discuss class policies, grading and assignments (refer to guidelines)
  • Standardized Test Listening Score 25%
  • Quizzes &/or Presentations 25% 
  • Classwork (assignments, projects) 25%
  • Participation 25%
3) check and collect HW, p. 102, grammar exercises a & b on notebook paper
4) work through text exercises, pp. 5-9 (to extent possible)
5) hand out and assign Unit 1 Give (1) for vocabulary study

1) study for vocabulary quiz: Unit 1 Give (1)

April 28 - Unit 2 What a Life!
1) text exercises for listening, pp. 8-9
2) review HW from April 21
3) pair practice speaking - using conversations with Give vocabulary
1) hand out and assign Unit 1 Give (2) for vocabulary study

Friday, January 31, 2014

2013 September & October in Eigo I

Sep. 23 - Unit 5 Getting Around
1) conversation lines with rotating partners - Topic: What did you do during the Summer Vacation
2) pair talk with warm-up questions from text and instructor
  • Where do you like to go shopping?
  • When you go shopping downtown, how do you travel?
3) Unit 5 Dictation Questions 1-5
4) listen to Conversation, p. 30
  • 1st time: listen and read in text
  • 2nd time: listen and fill in blanks in cloze
  • review questions, write answers to questions
  • compare and discuss answers with classmates
  • 3rd time: listen and confirm information in answers
  • revise answers based on confirmation
1) check conversation dictation
2) write answers to Unit 5 Dictation Questions 1-5

Sep. 30 - Unit 5 Getting Around
1) hand out copies of 後期 seating chart
2) Unit 5 Dictation Questions & Answers 6-10
  • questions 6-8 given
  • students write answers
  • answers for 9-10 given
  • students write questions
3) do Vocabulary exercises, p. 31
4) conversation lines with rotating partners - Topic: How do you go from your house to the nearest train or bus station?

1) write five questions that are useful when shopping (see worksheet)

Oct. 7 - Unit 6 Shopping
1) collect HW - Questions used in shopping
2) Unit 6 Vocabulary Jigsaw exercise
3) Unit 6 Dictation Questions & Answers
  • questions 1-5 given
  • students write answers
  • students do fill-in-the-blanks of conversation
  • questions 6-10 given
  • students write answers
4) conversation lines with rotating partners - Topic: What is your favorite shop? Why is it your favorite?

1) do the shopping survey, p. 39 in the text
2) read pp. 42-43 of the text

Oct. 14 - Units 4-6 Review & Quiz
1) do Quiz for Units 4-6 - Review 2
Listening check
Language check
Speaking b. (as conversation line - change topics, three partners, rating sheet used)
Speaking a. (as game, four +/- people play together)

1) read through Unit 7 What's Happening

Oct. 28 - Unit 7 What's Happening
1) check HW - reading 7 Speaking, p. 47
2) Unit 7 Vocabulary Jigsaw exercise?
3) Unit 7 Dictation Questions & Answers
  • questions 1-5 given
  • do successive listenings of dialog
  • students write answers
  • students do fill-in-the-blanks of conversation
1) students write questions for 6-10

Thursday, January 30, 2014

2013 November in Eigo I

Nov. 4 - Unit 7 What's Happening
1) check HW (questions 6-10, Unit 7 dictation)
2) write answers to questions, discuss, revise, hand in (both Qs & As scored)
3) do 6 Listening, p. 47
4) do 7 Expansion Listening, p. 48
5) do Vocabulary, p. 48
6) do Unit 7 related jigsaw activity
1) do Reading, p. 49

Nov. 11 - Unit 8 People
1) check HW (Reading, p. 49)
2) do Unit 8 Dictation Questions & Answers
  • questions 1-5 given
  • students write answers
  • students do fill-in-the-blanks of conversation
  • students write questions 6-10
  • students write answers to questions 6-10 as HW
3) do Unit listening activities as per text
4) Unit 8 Vocabulary Jigsaw exercise
1) answer questions 6-10

Unit 8 Dictation Questions
1) What does Jo want?
2) Does Jo like jazz?
3) Whose birthday is tomorrow?
4) What does Jo want to give to his brother?
5) Does Kevin like his job?

Nov. 18 Unit 8 People
1) complete Unit 8 Dictation Questions & Answers
  • students do fill-in-the-blanks of conversation
  • students write questions 6-10
  • students write answers to questions 6-10 as HW
2) do 4 Exchange, p. 57
1) write questions for 6-10 on Unit 8 Dictation

Nov. 25 Unit 8 People
1) check HW- discuss, revise and assign writing answers as HW
2) do 3 Vocabulary w/whole class on board, p. 51
3) discuss personality adjectives: Unit 8 Jigsaw Activity 3 - Personality Traits
4) do Speed Talking
  • form conversation lines
  • topic: Appearance
  • question 1: What is your ideal romantic partner like? 
  • question 2: How would you change your personality, if you could?
  • time limit set
  • feedback worksheets used
5) discuss and assign HW for Unit 9

1) write answers to Unit 8 Dictation HW, Qs 6-10

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

2013 December in Eigo I

Dec. 2  Unit 8 People & Unit 9 Having Fun
1) collect Nov. 25 HW (Unit 8 Dictation Q&A 6-10)
2) do 6 Listening a & b, p. 53
3) finish Speed Talking
  • form conversation lines
  • topic: Appearance
  • question 1: What is your ideal romantic partner like? 
  • question 2: How would you change your personality, if you could?
  • time limit set
  • feedback worksheets used
1) Unit 8 Vocabulary, p. 54, (b) prefixes exercise

Dec. 9  Unit 9 Having Fun
1) check HW from Dec. 2
2) 4) do Reading, p. 55 - answer Qs in a, do T/F in b
3) do 1 Warm-up, p. 56 plus extra Q (use worksheet provided)
  • What do you like to do on Friday nights? List activities you like to do 
  • Make a list of suggestions for fun activities to do on weekends
4) Unit 9 Dictation Questions & Answers, p. 56
  • questions 1-5 given
  • students write answers
  • students do fill-in-the-blanks of conversation
  • questions 6-10 given
  • students write answers
5) do Unit 9 Vocabulary Jigsaw exercise: ala Language in action, p. 58
6) announce Review Quiz for Units 7-9

1) write answers to dictation questions 1-5

Dec. 16 Unit 9 Having Fun & Review Quiz for Units 7-9
1) check 12/9 HW (answers to dictation Qs 1-5)
2) Unit 9 Dictation Questions & Answers, p. 56
  • students do fill-in-the-blanks of conversation
  • questions 6-10 given
  • students write answers
3) do Unit 9 Vocabulary Jigsaw exercise: ala Language in action, p. 58
4) announce Review Quiz for Units 7-9

*Additional activities?
do Quiz for Units 7-9 - Review
Listening check
Language check
Speaking b. (as conversation line - change topics, three partners, rating sheet used)
Speaking a. (as game, four +/- people play together)

1) write questions 6-10 about 2 Conversation. p. 56
2) review Units 7-9 for Review Quiz

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

2013-14 January in Eigo I

Jan. 11 - Review Unit 7 What's Happening
1) do discussion of January schedule, including Review Quiz for Units 7-9
2) do Unit 7 review
  • p. 44, 2 Conversation
  • p. 47, 6 Listening
  • p. 47, 7 Speaking
1) review Unit 8

Jan. 13 Class not held 成人式
1) none scheduled
1) none scheduled

Jan. 20 Review Unit 8 People & Unit 9 Having Fun
1) Unit 8 Review
  • 6 Listening, p. 53 (a & b)
  • 7 Speaking, p. 53 (a & b)
  • Listening, p. 54 (a & b)
  • Vocabulary, p. 54 (a)
  • Speaking activity, p. 90 (student a), p. 99 (student b)
2) Unit 9 Review
  • 6 Listening, p. 59 (a & b)
  • 7 Speaking, p. 59 (a & b)
  • Listening, p. 60 (a & b)
  • Vocabulary, p. 60 (a)
  • Reading, p.61 with listening activities (a & b)
  • Speaking activity, p. 91 (student a), p. 100 (student b)
1) review Units 7-9

Jan. 27 - Review Units 7-9
1) do Listening check, Language check, Skills check, p. 63
2) do Grammar reference sections
  • Unit 7, p. 108
  • Unit 8, p. 109
  • Unit 9, p. 110
3) do Speaking (b), p. 62
  • speaking line
  • time limited
  • change partners and topics each round
  • use feedback sheet
4) begin Unit 10 Vacation

1) none assigned - end of term